Friday, July 9, 2010

What is Electronic business?

E-business infrastructure is the share of total economic infrastructure used to support electronic business processes and conduct electronic commerce transactions. It includes hardware, software, telecommunication networks, support services, and human capital used in electronic business and commerce. Examples of e-business infrastructure are:

* Computers, routers, and other hardware
* Satellite, wire, and optical communications and network channels
* System and applications software
* Support services, such as web site development and hosting, consulting, electronic payment, and certification services.
* Human capital, such as programmers.

Electronic business (e-business) is any process that a business organization conducts over a computer-mediated network. Business organizations include any for-profit, governmental, or nonprofit entity. Their processes include production-, customer-, and internal or management-focused business processes.

Examples of electronic business processes are:

* Production- focused processes include procurement, ordering, automated stock replenishment, payment processing and other electronic links with suppliers, as well as production control and processes more directly related to the production process.
* Customer-focused processes include marketing, electronic selling, processing of customers orders and payments, and customer management and support
* Internal or management-focused processes include automated employee services, training, information sharing, video conferencing, and recruiting

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